Amahara-kun Plus-Third Target - Takayuki Ch.3

And he's got his eyes on someone new... AND HE NEEDS SAVING! That's right folks, we bring you a new chapter of "Amahara-kun Plus" ! This was a good one... I for one am enjoying this series more and more! Here's hoping you feel the same way! So then, it is with great pleasure that Deus Ex Scans presents "Amahara-kun Plus" ! Fans of the series yes we do listen to you, here is your medicine dose of trap fun Amahara-kun style.
Chapter 3- Third Target Takayuki

Updates and news:
  1. I am editing Bokura No Kiseki 19 please be patient, its 70 plus pages im hoping for this weekend but you never know what will happen, i will try thats all i can do is try.
  2. Coming next Getsurin 5 meaning end of volume 1- have script need to edit
  3. Another dose of sensei anone chapter 6-In editing
  4. Chapter 3 of our fighting maid- In line to be edited
  5. BIG BIG ONE - Carnival after the series yes, chapter 1 yes it was given a series you know it as Ato no Matsuri was a one shot, and a one shot hentai, now its a series- have script need to edit
  6. I have all these scripts in editing or being edited by me at moment- this whole list is only me editing so be patient


  1. Awesome! Thanks for the release. You are working pretty hard there, aren't ya?

    1. Im happy you like the release, I am working hard I edit for two groups and I work almost 12 hours a day in my career, but sadly regardless of how many releases I do in both groups I still get a crap load of comments of people telling me that I am lazy and wtf no bokura like right now I had someone tell me to die once again because its been 11 or 14 days since last chapter, people dont realize that this is a bi monthly series and if we speed racer through it they wont see another chapter until the next tank which is about 5 months away, but people are telling me to die because its been two week, this whole bokura shit is starting again and I am pissed because they dont care that I have other series to edit and release and that the whole world doesnt revolve around bokura no kiseki they just want that series but tell me I am being lazy and not working hard enough for who them lol

    2. Nah, those guys are probably just bored trolls. Don't mind whatever they say. BTW, is this a one man team or do you have multiple people for different tasks?

    3. Actually I am the only one who does the editing, everytime we recruit an editor it takes them 4 weeks to edit one chapter of something so its better I do it instead waiting 4 weeks, everybody else in the staff and joints is translators, and all the new editors we keep them in the other group where they can take 2 to 4 weeks for one release

  2. Wow that surprised me,Amahara didn't strike me as the type of person to go out of their way and help someone so down. Granted, there is always the possibility that the album in the previous two chapters was filled up with Takayuki's photos after.

    Also.... that's a lot to go through and edit, your hard work is greatly appreciated. Just remember to take some time to kick back and relax :)

    1. Wait till you see the next few chapters they get more crazier as the author of the series develops amahara even more and brings in more targets with more issues.

  3. Thank for release and good news!

  4. Yeees >3< Thank you!! Downloading it ^-^


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