One Turn Kill of the Dark Partisan Vol. 1 (Novel Complete)- NEW UPDATE EPILOGUE AND AFTERWARD OF VOL.1

Alright everyone here is the end of volume 1 the epilogue and afterward, yes there is a vol. 2 and 3 that will be on the way as we work on it. But for now enjoy the epilogue and the now completed volume 1 and all 195 pages of light novel glory. Personally I would love it if someone would apply as a proof reader and literally edit all 195 pages for grammar error and sentence errors and basically clean the entire 195 pages up so we can post a more polished light novel volume 1, but for now until we can find a proofer here is volume 1 complete. If you wish to apply as proofer and help us edit for grammar and so forth send email to with subject line so I see it titled proofer for light novel. As a proofer you will go through entire thing and just edit for grammar, sentence errors and everything and than say here its done lets post lol.I need a proofer with serious editing experience just to edit the light novel properly not someone who thinks they can, any help is appreciated.
Volume 1-Complete


  1. Thank you for the translating.

  2. Thanks a lot. Great, so you guys will also translate the next volume.

    1. You're welcome... And rest assured, we don't intend on just stopping after volume 1

  3. Thanks for the translation

  4. this was a pleasant surprise, a rather fun read. thank you for translating it :)

  5. Verry nice to have u translate light novels

  6. thanks for the translating

  7. Muchísimas gracias por el esfuerzo de traducir esta LN.
    Muy buen trabajo :-)

    Long life to Deusexscans!!

  8. Can't wait for Volume 2. Thanks for the translations.


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